Episode 7: Hemophilia in Nigeria (Part 2)

Hosted by: Joslyn Olsen Screen Shot 2015-02-21 at 2.16.12 PM
Guest: Megan Adediran

This HemoStories episode highlights excerpts from the speech given by Megan Adediran, the Executive Director of the Haemophilia Foundation of Nigeria, at NHF’s annual meeting called “Overcoming the Odds.” It is the second segment of our look at hemophilia in Nigeria. It will help listeners to understand how hemophilia is viewed and treated, and the measures that Megan’s organization is taking to educate people of this country. 

In this episode you’ll also hear more about the HemoHelper outreach taking place in April, 2015, and a brief overview of World Hemophilia Day.

If you like what you hear, please consider donating to the cause, subscribing to the HemoStories Podcast, following us on Twitter @hemohelper, and liking our HemoHelper Facebook Page. Feel free to leave suggestions for topics you’d like us to cover in future episodes in the comments section below.

Special thanks to Mason Morris from SLC, UT for writing the theme song, “Just Smile,” which was written as an optimistic reminder that there is hope for a cure and a bright future in the hemophilia world.


NHF 2014

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